Our mission is to facilitate an environment that inspires a personal and corporate expression of worship and intercession; centred on personal, church, and national revival.
We exist to educate and equip Christian Worshipers with all that they need to grow in the understanding of the culture of worship. Our aim is to serve the community of Christian Worshipers from the age group of 13-60 years, in the UK and intentionally.
Starting with the individual, we provide resources through conferences, training, and mentoring. We also host annual worship gatherings, to facilitate oneness and unity in the body, as we exalt the name of Jesus. These gatherings will give those connected to the ministry the opportunity to exercise their gifts.
All individuals will be equipped with the tools to go on to teach others in the community. We believe that like a domino effect, cultivating a healthy life of worship will spread from believers to believers, as part of the global revival.

How We Do This:
We host worship and intercession gatherings within the community to provide a platform where our community of Christian Worshipers can express themselves within a safe environment with like-minded individuals. Our services will be aimed at pastors, teachers, singers, instrumentalists, dancers, song writers, artists; and anyone interested in worship from a Christian belief. We manage educational resources and conferences and these gatherings include:

We need your help to collaborate with us to contribute positively to the body of Christ by bringing more resources, gatherings and art; in an efficient, effective and excellent way.
Planning and organising these resources and gatherings requires funding, yet we would like to make these accessible and affordable to as many people that need it. We know that God has called us to this and He will provide through people like yourselves.
Ways To Help
partner with us
You can help us with your generous one time giving. No amount is too much or too little. You can give via Paypal (info@slw423.com) or pay directly to our account:
Account Name: Spirit Led Worshipers Ministry
Account Number: 73524558
Sort Code: 20-89-15
partner with us
We are looking for long term partners who will give regularly to assist the mission. You can make a monthly contribution at a date that suits you.
As a partner, we will send you a thank you gift package from Reign Giftings. Partners committed to giving consistently for 6 months or more in a year will also receive a Free Yearly Voucher to Worship Camp and a one time discount voucher for Spirit Led Worshipers Academy which they can use personally or nominate a guest they would like to give it to. We will send a newsletter with regular updates on what your money has gone towards and testimonials from those that have benefited from your giving.
Every year, we partner with the Royal Diadem Company to release new merchandise for SOAK. A small percentage of the sales goes to us.
Check out our latest merchandise at
Get One So We Can Do More.
If you would like your money to go towards a specific project, for example, to sponsor a person on the Spirit Led Worshipers Academy Course or towards Worship Camp Young Adults, please let us know by emailing info@slw423.com.
If you are giving £30 or more and have a business, we would be happy to support you with advertising by including your logo and a short bio of your business in our newsletters. Send this information to us at info@slw423.com. There may be offers to promote your product in our live gatherings, should we have the space.

Thank you
We appreciate your support